Oh – and the parasite referenced is the Loiasis, or African eye worm, if you’re wondering.
News for the ‘religion’ Category
Stephen Fry on God
Adam and Eve and God
Heads Up – world ending in about a week, yo.
Just wanted to give you all a heads up about the end of the world on September 23. Thank me later?
Except Allison
Just 3K More Likes, yo.
Rick-Rolling God’s Servants
Judge Lu Ann and Messiah
Extremists’ Irony
This Guy has Superpowers
So, apparently (according to those at the Church of Scientology), Tom Cruise can move inanimate objects with his mind, leave his body at will and telepathically communicate with, and control the behavior of, both animals and human beings.
Guess he didn’t have much luck with Katie.
Thank you, I’ll be here all week. Try the veal.
Effigy 101
Okay, this is just getting silly now.
These guys in the East love burning effigies – I get it. But it seems they are running out of quality material, don’t you think (yes, that’s a pic of a drone)?
As a matter of fact, an “Effigy” is strictly defined as “a representation of a person, especially in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional form.” Don’t ask me where I got the pic, by the way. I took a screen shot of it on my tablet while reading the news in bed the other night because I found it so silly – but I can’t make this crap up.
From a group of guys who take things so literally, you’d think they’d work more aggressively at recruiting someone who is really good at paper machete or scale model design.
Benny Vader
Apparently, Jesus was Listening
Jesus … now I’ve seen it all
Extremists Lacking Effigy-Building Skills
Okay. Really? This is the best these guys can do with their effigy of Obama?
- size of head is wrong
- he’s wearing a tie, with a blue-jean jacket
- pants clash with the flag
- at least cut him out so it doesn’t look like you took the picture out of Time Magazine
- a little effort here, guys!
Background here – these guys are rabid because the Quran was burned. There are actually people dying there as a result of these scenes.
I don’t think I will ever truly understand theism, let alone all the fundamentalists in this world. People can believe what they choose – but this just seems way over the top to me.
Just sayin’.
Not a Man of Science, Apparently
So we have another Governor of Texas running for President … who is apparently more steadfast on Creationism than his counterpart in Utah, of all people.
Crazy Watering Can from vania heymann on Vimeo.
Happy Easter
I don’t love Jesus.
The Bread of Life has it’s Own Toaster
Buy your Jesus Toaster here.
I Never Knew This Happened in Iran After 9/11
Did you? I bet not.
Check this out.
Just goes to show you the world may not be as twisted as we always believe.