Seems like just another bitching here … but allow me to critique an annoying add I’m seeing while watching the NBA Playoffs …
The WhatsApp Pigeon Ad.
Who goes to a ship-center anymore to send a letter?
Why lines? Even if you are doing this, there’s no line. I kind of speak from experience on this one –
Worked for FedEx Office (formerly known as Kinko’s) and dealt w/decreasing shipping 15+ years ago.
I drop in to my local UPS store every few weeks to return Amazon packages … no lines.
Music? See above.
Do these seem like users that care if their ‘SMSs’ or text messages are private or not? Do YOU care? And if you DO care – what the hell kind of messages are you sending?
I don’t know. Maybe I’m missing something here. This commercial is just really really … irritating. Seems like a waste for ‘Meta’ (ugh).
Over six months now and we have enough data to realize that the vaccines seem to be working. It just blows my mind that we still have these loons out there screaming about being tracked, it’s not ‘tested’, it alters DNA, school the libs, m’uh freedom, etc. Really?
Been wondering a lot (too much) about this lately and just think most of those who are ‘anti-vax’ are just scared of getting a shot. Yes, I really said that. But I digress.
Here’s a great example of the idiocy (from a freakin’ RN, mind you) we are seeing (if you don’t want to click – RN screaming about vaccine conspiracy. Now she’s dead – from COVID). It is just really disappointing. Sad.
One Day (man, I hope it’s soon) we will look back at this crazy stuff and just realize that science was -and always will be- right. In the meantime, Due Diligence.