News for the ‘school’ Category

Semi-Empty Nest

Dropped Elyce off today at UNM. It’s only 45 minutes down the road, but feels many states away.

Kind of prepared myself emotionally a few weeks back (at the time I was dreading the entire time leading up to today) and felt like I was prepared for today. Not too many tears … but heart really really hurts.

Came home. Napped. Cried in the closet (it’s a walk-in so not quite like it sounds).
Went to the gym. Arms and Shoulders today. Thought I was good. Went to grocery store.

Ugh. Seeing all the little things Elyce would want or laugh about when we shopped together … heart starts to hurt again. Drive home. I’m good. Got this. But it’s quiet.

Pass by the crazy Flag Waving Trumper house driving up the hill. Ugh. Hits again (Elyce always comments on the house, laughs, impersonates a truck-driving right-wing hick – has my sense of humor).

Get home. Cry more. Sobbed. This sucks.

Posted: August 18th, 2023
Categories: family, kids, school
Comments: No Comments.

College Conundrum

I’ve always been self-conscious about my missing out on the ‘college experience.’ Ultimately, it may explain my drive and determination. It works, but I still think about it too much. I always tell Elyce and Gavin – take advantage of your opportunity (my paying, etcetera). Our agreed upon route has been for them to go to community college for the first two years, then transfer in to a university as a junior. There are a multitude of reasons for this – but primary, in my experience, is it’s not where you start. It’s where you finish. Your degree says the same as the graduate sitting next to you on that final day. Use that to your advantage.

This article compounds the idea [Ivy League vs Private vs Public vs No College At All].

“If someone is “resilient and smart” and works very hard, it doesn’t matter if they go to Harvard or a state school, Kang said. If anything, he added, going to a school that affords them less privilege will force them to “learn more business and people skills” earlier.”

Posted: June 18th, 2023
Categories: kids, school
Comments: No Comments.

Gavin got a 100%

This may, ordinarily, seem hokey. But 2020 has been a very diffic … you know.

Both Elyce and Gavin are ‘remote learning’ due to COVID. Elyce has been good with things (it’s her senior year, and she’s pretty much taken many of her more difficult/AP classes already) and has adapted accordingly. Still was a challenge to start in August with things, but her grades have migrated towards her norm. It takes time for any student, I know.

Gavin – well, it’s his first year in high school. He’s a freshman. We warned him, leading into it, that high school would be different. Middle school and Elementary were a breeze for him – ALWAYS straight As. Remote learning, high school … it’s been hard. It’s hard as a parent to constantly ‘nag’ and follow-up every day with class times, schedules, etc. These guys are on conference calls about 1-2 hours a day … the rest is ‘self-directed’. It must be tough … I get it.

As a result, he has struggled. Any 15 year-old would. Not failing by any means, just a lot of follow-up and nagging to turn in assignments, etc. Ugh. I feel for them both right now.

BUT – tonight, as I videod in via FaceTime to say goodnight – he was happy. 100% on an Algebra test. Man that was so cool to see him light up like that! He can do it – he’s a smart guy. I hate how things are and how they have had to learn like this. It hurts to see – it is lonely for them, I know.

But that was so awesome to see him so happy like that. Elyce turned the corner in October, I think Gavin is doing it now. They are adapting – Dad is happy.

We’ll get through this! Damn it – we must. We will.

Posted: November 18th, 2020
Categories: Coronavirus Plague of 2020, kids, school
Comments: No Comments.

Stay Classy, Ms Evans

This is disgusting. Just sayin’.

Posted: March 17th, 2018
Categories: crime, kids, school
Comments: No Comments.

Pirating Takes on Books

First was music, then Movies. Now it’s Books.

This article illustrates how students are ‘taking advantage’ of the technology to circumvent textbook publisher greed. Technology finds a way, right?

Once 3D printing becomes more prominent, things will really change.

Posted: September 18th, 2014
Categories: books, computers, school, tech
Comments: No Comments.

Student of the Semester – Repeat


Gavin got Student of the Semester for the Fall Semester – second one in a row. He was ecstatic, as you can see at the ceremony at school the other night. I guess academic domination skips generations, thankfully.


Posted: January 29th, 2013
Categories: kids, school
Comments: No Comments.