News for the ‘entertainment’ Category

Dubious at Best

We continously hear from politicians and the religious right (every time there is a school shooting, the topic surfaces) of the dangers of video games on children/youth. With 2020’s news cycle, the topic has obviously been pushed out of primetime for larger, more important issues.

Of note, while there certainly is a link between tv violence and youth impact, other forms of entertainment throughout history consistently fail to prove a strong correlation to youth behavior/psychology.

Video Games look more and more to be joining the realm of Music and Books as a force which fails to show correlation to aggression.

Yet another study from Stetson University (as a follow-up from another 2015 study from the American Psychological Association) shows again – no substantative link. “Dubious at Best”.

Consider this quip at the end:

“Games are now more important than ever for socialization, feeling autonomy and control during an uncertain time, and just de-stressing”

Game On.

Posted: December 31st, 2020
Categories: entertainment, kids, tech, tv
Comments: No Comments.

T Minus 2 months to Cut the Cord

… And this is why we are just about to complete the Cord-Cutting process.

We got 1 Gig speeds a few months back, an Eero mesh system about a month back, I rewired a few outlets around the house to prepare for Rokus, Ethernet, etc. Only step left is our media server setup, a receiver to purchase, some speakers for ceiling surround and patios. Then, just software packages – which I’ve already filtered.

Cutting the Cord gets less expensive/more competitive monthly. My satellite goes the other way.

Received this email this week:

Posted: December 15th, 2018
Categories: entertainment, tech, tv
Comments: No Comments.

Learn to Chess

Ran across this site recently – awesome site that teaches visitors how to play chess, for free – of course.


Posted: September 6th, 2014
Categories: entertainment
Comments: No Comments.

I Wish It was Christmas Today, redux

I’ve watched SNL for years – and when this aired in 2000, I (like most viewers I’m sure) thought it was pretty catchy in a dorky way. Which ultimately made it funny.


So did Julian Casablancas of the Strokes – who recorded it 4 years ago. A new Christmas Classic.

Posted: December 19th, 2013
Categories: entertainment, holidays
Comments: No Comments.

What to Buy in Monopoly

Some guy posted online the squares in Monopoly – and the probabilities of landing on each …


Posted: September 2nd, 2013
Categories: entertainment
Comments: No Comments.