News for October 2013

iOS 7 – Created in Microsoft Word?

Interesting video. Certainly interesting what you can do with Word (if, you know, you’ve got the time). I mean, you can pretty much do most things with any software nowadays, if you want. But this is over the top.

Posted: October 23rd, 2013
Categories: tech
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Dude Looks Like a Lady


Steve Tyler – lead singer of Aerosmith


Posted: October 21st, 2013
Categories: celebrity, music
Comments: No Comments.

Voyager’s Message from Earth

Ran across this collection of 127 images that are currently on the Voyager, which has been traveling in space since 1977. It’s pretty incredible to think how Carl Sagan and the gang had to sit in a room and contemplate just what exactly we could use to portray our race of beings to another, interstellar neighbor – who may only come across these artifacts thousands if not millions of years from now.

Posted: October 19th, 2013
Categories: science, space
Comments: No Comments.

The Chinese Cut to the Chase

Sobering development, frankly, by the Chinese in regards to this ridiculous government shut-down here in the US. With the amount of our money they own and the amount of power they have, we don’t want to be messing with these guys long-term.

First – they are right. This is ridiculous. Bravado or Progress? I’m no politician – but I do know business. People who “make things happen” don’t fart around like these idiots in DC – you find a way to make it work, and together. Politicians, government employees – all people on the public dime – just don’t get it. Don’t care, don’t want to. Just work as little as possible, collect the check, get the benefits, then retire with full pensions. This crap simply does not fly in the private sector. If my CEO or any board members acted like this, they would all be out the door on their asses. Seriously. And no “pension” (seriously, pensions? What – is this 1954?).


Second – let’s not stir up things with China. NOT a good move.

Game On, DC – let’s grown up and do some work.

Posted: October 11th, 2013
Categories: news, politics
Comments: No Comments.

BSOD Irony

The infamous Blue Screen of Death that plagued windows for years has been becoming more and more of a rarity for Windows users; however Apple iOS users, it seems, are beginning to see their own versions with the new iPhone 5S.

Posted: October 11th, 2013
Categories: tech
Comments: No Comments.

Roundabouting with Roundabouts

Rio Rancho, being a relatively “new” city, is still under heavy development. Sure, with the economic slowdown of the past 5 years, there has been an affect; however, as things improve the activity is beginning again. There are large, clear swaths throughout the area that I know we’ll start seeing development on soon enough.

One different element that we have seen here is the prominence of roundabouts at intersections nearby. Roundabouts are kind of newer concept with many Americans … and you can tell when you see many of the local drivers approach them. Some stop. Some hesitate for minutes. Some just barrel through them – straight over the top (you can see tire marks where this has happened). Even the press has make it plainly obvious of the disdain roundabouts experience in comparison to the traditional 4-way stop beloved by Americans.

But here is why roundabouts are superior, as evidenced by the guys at Mythbusters – putting some science to the topic, yo.

Posted: October 5th, 2013
Categories: science, transportation
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