News for December 2010

Be Prepared

Beginning final steps to have site theme updated for new year. Stay Tuned …

Posted: December 29th, 2010
Categories: site update
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Merry Christmas

Posted: December 24th, 2010
Categories: holidays
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A Very Bad Idea

Another example of ignorant masses getting caught up in the baloney of hip advertising versus the real-world practicality of technology.

Posted: December 22nd, 2010
Categories: advertising, tech
Comments: No Comments.

Okay. I Promise I Won’t.

I was cleaning out my phone’s pics the other day and ran across this classic shot I snapped while in a bathroom of a pizza joint in Tennessee.


Posted: December 20th, 2010
Categories: business, odd
Comments: No Comments.

Elyce the Editor

Today, while Christmas shopping with Elyce, we happened into a local Barnes and Nobles bookstore. A book about MLK Jr caught her eye, and I bought it in addition to the books we were ‘gifting’.

While shopping, she’s reading. By the time we get home, she’s about 4 chapters in. Previewing what it would take to complete the book, she peruses the chapters ahead and notices that there are two Chapter Elevens (no chapter twelve). I told her she should write the author to point this out. She did.

As a dad, I’m just going to say very proudly that that is cool.

Posted: December 19th, 2010
Categories: books, kids
Comments: No Comments.

Alan … Steve.

Posted: December 19th, 2010
Categories: animals, humor, video
Comments: No Comments.

Another milestone passes quietly in the night …

It’s official: The internet is now as popular as TV in the US.

Posted: December 13th, 2010
Categories: tv, www
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Meth. Helluva Drug.

Posted: December 6th, 2010
Categories: drugs
Comments: No Comments.

The Price of Ignorance

It’s a bit criminal for Best Buy to sell an HDMI cable for so much cash, but they get away with it preying upon one of the fallacies of consumerism (“you get what you pay for”) and the many customers who think the name brand is king. And this is an easy trap to set, because most consumers buying electronics and gadgets are lulled into these mindless purchases by the justification of the major cash they are usually forking out at the time – say, for a flat-screen tv with components. When you’re spending $2,000, what’s another $200? Additionally, many are simply seeing the high cost as an insurance plan for said tv/components … I mean, what could it hurt?

at Best Buy, you’ll pay $1.04 a linear inch for a Monster Cable HDMI.

at, you’ll pay $.03 a linear inch for anĀ  HDMI cable.

But HDMI technology is simply DIGITAL signal transmission. It’s binary data: 1s and 0s being sent across a wire. You will find no difference between a Gucci HDMI (or Monster) and a Radio Shack cord. Really. Get over it.

Educate yourself here, folks.

And you can donate that $144 savings to me. Just let me know how you want to pay by clicking here.

Posted: December 5th, 2010
Categories: products, tech
Comments: No Comments.

Pull ‘Em Up, Yo

Posted: December 5th, 2010
Categories: fashion, humor, kids
Comments: No Comments.

Elyce’s Awesome Letter to Santa

Okay, Dad did help just a little …

Posted: December 4th, 2010
Categories: holidays, kids
Comments: No Comments.

High on Drugs? Really?

Posted: December 4th, 2010
Categories: crime, drugs, news, odd
Comments: No Comments.

This idiot owns the Sun

Really. She had a Spanish Notary sign off on the deal.

Now you know who to sue when you get a sun-burn.

Thank me later.

Posted: December 1st, 2010
Categories: news, odd, space
Comments: No Comments.