News for the ‘politics’ Category
Happy Fourth!
Happy Father’s Day!
World War II
6′ 3″ … 215lbs
Donald Trump reported weight and height (self-reported) at his Atlanta booking vs Denzel Mims of the Detroit Lions. Both weigh 215 lbs at 6ft 3 inches.
Perfect representation of Trump’s integrity.
Traveling this week, was bored, tuned in to the CNN/Trump ‘Town Hall’.
What. A. Freakin’. Train. Wreck. I turned it off after about 10 minutes of hearing him spew his same old lies about ‘stolen election’ and his just overall bullshit – including his degradation of women and pitch on January 6 being a ‘beautiful day’.
Are you kidding me?
Granted, the interviewer wasn’t any less-partisan or professional.
I just can’t believe we STILL have to give air-time to this Bozo. Not about policies to me with him – he’s just a terrible person. I don’t care what party or ideology you follow – this guy is just a Vile Human.
Great Leaders are not Vile Humans.
Sucker Alert!
Blow $99 now! Contribute to TRE45ON here.
What a freakin’ joke. Seriously.
Categories: humor, politics, stupid, Uncategorized, www
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Why No Surprise?
Just – Wow? Maybe not-so-much but yeah. I mean, it doesn’t really surprise me … but it sure as hell should. Article speaks for itself.
Fake News? I don’t know. It’s vetted. It’s not Facebook or Twitter. Can’t believe we have to try to justify a source like NPR – I won’t.
Read on.
“Former evangelical activist says he ‘pushed the boundaries’ in Supreme Court dealings“
The Onion Nails It, Sadly
Birds (not real) and Snake Venom in the Water (COVID)
Ugh … lunacy keeps going.
This is the latest loon video/conspiracy ‘theory’ regarding COVID (which is pretty much no longer an every day topic). Snake Venom in the public water system. A few bullet-points to keep in mind on this one:
- He’s a Chiropractor
- COVID is a virus, not a venom
- “Do the opposite of what the CDC tells you to do” speaks for itself
- Typos in text overlays (“thier” vs “their”) – small detail, but detail
- “Scientific Points” in the video from a TV Show
Oh – and Birds (not real) … check this out.
Categories: Coronavirus Plague of 2020, politics, science
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We’ve heard all throughout the pandemic from states and sectors of society that certain ‘freedoms’ and ‘rights’ were being tread upon. We’ve (sadly) seen -and continue to see- pickup trucks adorned with the Gadsden flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”), Trump flags, “Thin Blue Line” flags (which, BTW, go against US Flag Code). Further, the ‘in your face‘ flag waving of the US Flag itself as a cloak to disguise antiquated beliefs (xenophopic, bigoted, intolerant) is just disgusting and frightening.
But …
Whether one cares or not regarding peoples’ sexual identity, shouldn’t we be allowing that freedom? If no one should tread on me and my rights, why tread on them? If America is Free for Me or You, why can’t it be Free for Him, Her, Them?
Read on about Idaho and their efforts to ‘punish parents who take trans youth to other states for health care’. Head scratcher here – Idaho has been one of the most ‘don’t tread on me’ states in the west over the past couple of years.
Why does there continue to be so much hate in the world?
TikTok’s Russian Influencer Messaging
Regardless of whatever side you’re on with the Russia/Ukraine conflict, it’s interesting to see just how different the perspectives are in media and with social networking. Below is a video showing interesting similarities of pro-Russia messaging on TikTok by ‘influencers’.
Yet, another example of the twisted realities of the cancer of Social Media …
Protest Late Much?
So truckers are driving to DC to protest Mask Mandates and Vaccine Mandates in the US.
If these bozos can’t figure out that all mandates are gone (except Hawaii – which is 2,471 miles from the coast and any mainland highway) and/or are so late in getting this figured out, it’s no wonder why we are so behind on supply chain issues. And now they are driving 2,668 miles from LA to DC to sit in their trucks to ‘protest’.
At 8mpg for these monstrosities, that’s about $1,200 in gas (one way) each rig is wasting on this ridiculous venture. That buys about 4 banjos.
Ugh – ridiculous.
Categories: Coronavirus Plague of 2020, math, politics
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HONK! Stay Strong Toronto.
Honking your trucker horns is just … juvenile. Mandates/asks by the government … yeah, frustrating. I really don’t think truckers care about logic, though. It’s messed up, and I can understand/sympathize all sides here
(but much less the truckers. A very good friend in retail Loss Prevention audits company truckers [pulls them over, inspects cabs] and wears gloves on every check. Tells me some absolutely revolting stories about what’s in those cabs. Not saying every cab is like how your worst thoughts think … but most absolutely are]
This is when I recommend using Noise-Cancelling Headphones.
You see, with my years (many years) of travelling to many different types of towns and hotels, NOTHING is better than a set of Bose noise-cancelling headphones. I am seriously serious here. I’ve dealt with crazy hotel neighbors (screaming kids), agonies of plane travel noise, thin hotel walls, thin hotel floors, storms – even slept through tornado sirens (seriously – Amarillo TX November 2015). NOTHING. NO NOISE.
Worth it.
Toronto … buy a pair. Get a pair. Stay Strong.
Categories: Coronavirus Plague of 2020, politics
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Mullets & Skinny Jeans vs The Hermit Kingdom
Interesting article regarding North Korea and Kim Jong-un’s banning of various ‘western’ traits … to protect North Korea.
Of mention are the 15 Approved Cuts (below):
Um … what if I’m bald? I mean, I’m not planning on vacationing in NK for a while, but a genuine question here. The dude near the bottom right is kinda bald … but what happens in 20 years or so?
I tell you what, though, it would be pretty simple to be a barber there, right?
One more thing … looking at the NK Supercut Menu above, I’m not seeing this do:
Don’t Be a Sucker
Trump’s Acuity Test Claims
Chris Wallace asked about Trump’s now self-proclaimed ‘very difficult’ mental acuity test (3:28 in the video below) …
If you would like to take, it is here.
Our dog, Lucy, has taken it. Scored beautifully.
Pandemic Demonstrations
To add to the world-wide calaminity of the COVID19 Pandemic of 2020, we now have worldwide demonstrations. Realizing there is no ‘good time’ for having a demonstration on matters that we are dealing with [or have failed to] throughout history, it just seems like the picture below [from Paris, today] are so twistedly bad under the grip of a 100-year pandemic. The clash of these two events in the world’s history just shows you how messed up 2020 has been. And we’re not even halfway through.
Categories: Coronavirus Plague of 2020, politics
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Was Expecting a Bumper Sticker …
Trump Tweet not Timely
We all know Trump just gets out of hand with his tweets – it’s like nothing in history. Last night’s, though, not only pissed off the sports world – but showed poor judgement with timing in the political world.
He is actually flying to Ohio today (home state of Lebron James) to attend a rally for a Republican candidate in a critical election heading into the midterms …
Got a Tissue?
We’re Screwed
Just Lock the Door, yo.
So the White House had a security breach the other day, where a guy jumped the perimeter fence and made it all the way into the front door.
Tina and I were talking about this tonight before dinner … and she had a brilliant -yet simple- solution for the President: “Why don’t they just lock the door?”
I laughed when she said it, but you know … it’s a pretty simple solution, really.
Designation of Organ Mountains – special guest!
Pretty Neat – Pops Suina (Tina’s Dad) was on sight for the designation of the Organ Mtns (in southern NM) as a national monument.
Video Here.
The Chinese Cut to the Chase
Sobering development, frankly, by the Chinese in regards to this ridiculous government shut-down here in the US. With the amount of our money they own and the amount of power they have, we don’t want to be messing with these guys long-term.
First – they are right. This is ridiculous. Bravado or Progress? I’m no politician – but I do know business. People who “make things happen” don’t fart around like these idiots in DC – you find a way to make it work, and together. Politicians, government employees – all people on the public dime – just don’t get it. Don’t care, don’t want to. Just work as little as possible, collect the check, get the benefits, then retire with full pensions. This crap simply does not fly in the private sector. If my CEO or any board members acted like this, they would all be out the door on their asses. Seriously. And no “pension” (seriously, pensions? What – is this 1954?).
Second – let’s not stir up things with China. NOT a good move.
Game On, DC – let’s grown up and do some work.
Users of Facebook: Deliver!
2012 Elections
Nice 1-Pic Summary of this year’s elections here in the US, courtesy of the Simpsons.
Brazilian Jails – Getting it Right
Using prisoners to provide electricity for the local boardwalk? Brilliant.
America … why can’t we take a closer look at this?
Effigy 101
Okay, this is just getting silly now.
These guys in the East love burning effigies – I get it. But it seems they are running out of quality material, don’t you think (yes, that’s a pic of a drone)?
As a matter of fact, an “Effigy” is strictly defined as “a representation of a person, especially in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional form.” Don’t ask me where I got the pic, by the way. I took a screen shot of it on my tablet while reading the news in bed the other night because I found it so silly – but I can’t make this crap up.
From a group of guys who take things so literally, you’d think they’d work more aggressively at recruiting someone who is really good at paper machete or scale model design.