A few concerns here. Mad Respect for this guy – he’s pedaling for a living. Got to be in shape – delivering my fried shrimp and all. But this is a long distance …
The math of why bigger pizzas are such a good deal is simple: A pizza is a circle, and the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius. So, for example, a 16-inch pizza is actually four times as big as an 8-inch pizza.
And when you look at thousands of pizza prices from around the U.S., you see that you almost always get a much, much better deal when you buy a bigger pizza.
Tablets will be coming soon to a restaurant near you. Now you won’t have to speak to waitstaff to eat out, and you will even be able to ignore those accompanying you at said dinner while playing tablet games at the table. Ugh.
But seriously – Applebee’s and Chili’s are both saying this move won’t result in layoffs of waiters/waitresses. Sure. With turnover as high as it is in the sector, they won’t need to – they just won’t replace them as they leave. Seriously – to think they would be foolish enough to keep that kind of overhead seems a bit silly.
Personally, I think this was just a matter of time and is a small sign of the inevitable in so many similar sectors. I’m okay with it – it’s just evolution and the future. But I can’t help but wonder how, in 20 years, this will affect the sector and similar ones out there …
So in the chaos of everyone in the family making Christmas cookies today, we got hungry. Tina and I thought (in the spirit of holiday indulgence) to get some take-out at McDonalds – so I offered to drive up the road and grab some. I enlisted Gavin to help me – with the first task of taking everyone’s order. This is what I pulled into the McDonalds drive-thru with …
Posted: December 22nd, 2012
Categories: food, kids
Comments: No Comments.
“Are you going to post about this?” Tina said tonight, as I ran out to the patio to snap the above pic.
“Yes, Dammit.” I said. “I must warn others.” I continued to eat ice. I was on my 5th or 6th mouth-full.
Earlier, Tina kicked off the harvest season (Labor Day is today … the last day of Summer) by snipping off a few of the orange peppers from our plant. Curiously, I agreed to cut one open and have a taste. I sliced off the stem and simply put the tip of my tongue on the pepper’s flesh.
What started as a slight sting slowly grew into agony.
Habanero chili peppers are rated 100,000–350,000 on the Scoville scale. Conservatively, that’s about 40 times hotter than a Jalapeño. I didn’t know that when I bought a baby plant at a local nursery this past spring.
An hour later … Awesome! It’s really neat to have a plant growing on our patio with such amazing power. I look forward to finding some applications for this powerful pepper …
But, you’ve been warned.
Posted: September 6th, 2010
Categories: food
Comments: No Comments.