News for the ‘holidays’ Category

Happy Father’s Day!

Posted: June 16th, 2024
Categories: holidays, politics
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I’m Dreading The Day …

It’s coming … that ad.

I actually am getting nervous. Anxious. I’m dreading it. It’s coming. Any day now. And then … it won’t stop.


Posted: November 4th, 2022
Categories: advertising, consumerism, holidays, stupid, tv
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Quarantine Thanksgiving – Ready!

Ready for some post-feast board games … appropriate one this year.

Posted: November 23rd, 2020
Categories: family, holidays
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Device … RIP

So we went to Purgatory ski resort in Durango, CO for Spring Break this week. Just got back last night. The kids are exhausted, which is good.

The first time snowboarding for anyone can be brutal, and their experience was no different. Actually ended in tears for both. Seeing so many whoosh by on their board or on skis is deflating for the first-timer, as one has little context: you don’t realize or understand that those ‘whooshers’ have been up a few times. No one really masters the skill the first time. You spend most of your time getting up from falls.

That clarity came to point on this trip as, even though I hadn’t been on my board for about ten years(!), I only fell a couple of times. My pain was fairly limited to my ankles and knees only – and just a small amount. It’s the repeated falls and getting back up that really makes it painful in the end.

But I lost out on my equipment on the trip. My old Device boots (step-in snowboard boots) finally died. On my 4th run of the day, the back section of my left boot (which holds the bolt which locks into my bindings) ripped off of my boot. I was able to keep the front of my foot in the bindings and hobble my way down about 100 yards. Then, my right one ripped off! I was stuck but was fortunate enough to be near a lift and was able to take the ‘gondola of shame’ back down to the base.

The boots had some sentimental value to me – these were the boots (bindings, and board) that I purchased in Santa Fe years ago when I first started (and experienced the pain that Elyce and Gavin had this trip). What was funny was that at the start of the day, when we were getting dressed to hit the mountain, a kid came by and saw my board and said “whoah – retro! How awesome!”

After lunch with Tina and the kids and $40 later, I had a new set of boots and a board (rental) to finish out the day. But my boots stayed behind as we left Purgatory. But I’m keeping the board!

Posted: March 30th, 2018
Categories: family, holidays, kids, sports
Comments: No Comments.

Never Forget


For the first time in a very long time (in my career), I’m off the week after Christmas and before New Years Day. It’s pretty incredible, frankly.

With the Big Move this year, my other 2 weeks of vacation time were spent preparing to list our former home and the other was spent actually moving into our new home. Since that time, we have been moving in slowly but surely. Still, we have about 30 boxes or so that we haven’t seen the bottoms of. Functionally, we are in and good; however, there are still many loose ends and pieces that we are still putting together.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day completing ‘The Network’ – WiFi extenders, add-on routers and hubs, printers, network drives, etc. I also spent time in my office getting the wiring/monitors/shelving set. Today, I have other things to accomplish around the house (like watching more bowl games), but was tinkering around in some remaining boxes in the office. Then came across this …

Okay – what the hell? I know when we were packing up in the summer, we got a little sloppy towards the end – but this just gave me flashbacks of the chaos. I really don’t remember winding up all of my cords in my old office and tangling everything up. This sucks.

So I guess, ultimately, I am finding what is important and not important as we continue to unpack from the move. But a good reminder, nonetheless, of being appreciative of spending the week at ‘home’ and being able to enjoy our new home.

Posted: December 27th, 2017
Categories: holidays, home improvement
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No Treats For You


Lucy DID NOT like Wallie getting near her rawhide candy-canes on Christmas morning …

Posted: December 29th, 2016
Categories: holidays, pets
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Seems about Right – Happy New Year


Posted: December 31st, 2014
Categories: holidays
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Happy Halloween

As a dad, I’m starting to get a little sad now on Halloween. It is because I know that my kids’ days of Trick-or-Treating is nearing an end. Still have a few more years left with Gavin, but Elyce is already getting too cool for it. This is really my favorite time of the year, so it’s getting me a little sad as I think about it.

As a kid, I loved Halloween: The candy, the dressing up, the going out in the neighborhood for the night and seeing friends. When I got older, I got up to no good: stupid stuff as I reflect, but it was fun at the time (shaving cream fights, parties, etc). In college, it was a reason to drink and act like a dick (sorry for the vulgarity, but that truly is what we acted like with too much beer in our tummies).

And then, kids.

It has been kind of like starting the cycle again — I’m more a part of it than I thought parents would be. I mean, I loved watching them get into it and helping them get dressed, carving the pumpkin, and sharing the excitement of getting as much candy as possible. But I feel like that window is closing and I am becoming more reflective as I age, wondering what it will be like when they are ‘too cool’ for Halloween.

Ah – I need to stop that train of thought. Carpe Diem! Have a great Halloween if you’ve bothered to read this far. Here’s a great GIF to give you a laugh (it’s a midget in the GIF, by the way) …


Posted: October 31st, 2014
Categories: holidays, humor, kids
Comments: No Comments.

Fireworks via Drone

I’ve been eyeing the Phantom Drone for a few months now … really would be awesome with the GoPro. Came across the below video the other day, which shows you just how much this beast can change the game of photography.

Posted: July 5th, 2014
Categories: holidays, pics, products, tech
Comments: No Comments.

Christmas Morning Time-Lapse

Posted: December 28th, 2013
Categories: holidays, kids, video
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I Wish It was Christmas Today, redux

I’ve watched SNL for years – and when this aired in 2000, I (like most viewers I’m sure) thought it was pretty catchy in a dorky way. Which ultimately made it funny.


So did Julian Casablancas of the Strokes – who recorded it 4 years ago. A new Christmas Classic.

Posted: December 19th, 2013
Categories: entertainment, holidays
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w+ln |N|= ln |ap^2H+e^a^r| + ln |y|


Posted: December 31st, 2012
Categories: holidays, math
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Happy Halloween – Just Remember …

Posted: October 31st, 2012
Categories: holidays
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Alone on Valentine’s Day?

Posted: February 15th, 2012
Categories: holidays, tech
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Happy Fourth, Hoser

We went to the Corrales 4th of July parade again this year (an annual tradition for us, it appears). As always, many of the vehicles in the parade were full of pranksters brandishing water guns. Frankly, it’s great for a 90°+ summer day.

This year, we ended up watching in front of a guy’s house who had a genius idea. He pulled out his water hose, stretched it to the street, turned it on, and waited. He waited (with the hose cinched to cut the water flow) until they arrived. And they did. And it was wickedly wet. We laughed. Everyone laughed. The paraders got some medicine.


Posted: July 4th, 2011
Categories: holidays
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Happy Father’s Day. Nice Job, Wal-Mart.

Great Dads are Great Grammar Nazis.


Posted: June 19th, 2011
Categories: holidays, pics
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Mom … Treat Her Right (especially today)

Posted: May 8th, 2011
Categories: holidays, relationships
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Happy Easter

Posted: April 23rd, 2011
Categories: holidays, religion
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Just Got Back from Disneyland …


Have a lot of pics and stories to tell. Give me a few days to put this all together. Sedona, Disney, Santa Monica Pier, Vegas (kind of), Monument Valley, and Speeding Tickets.

Stay Tuned.

Posted: March 19th, 2011
Categories: holidays, travel
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Merry Christmas

Posted: December 24th, 2010
Categories: holidays
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Elyce’s Awesome Letter to Santa

Okay, Dad did help just a little …

Posted: December 4th, 2010
Categories: holidays, kids
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Post Trip Thoughts

While on the trip, in some back-mountain restaurant in Bluff Utah we were having dinner with the kids. They were eating what must have been their 10th dish of Chicken Nuggets and French Fries – the kids’ staple when eating out. I took a moment to acknowledge the last dinner on the road for this trip, as well as to point out that today was Mom and Dad’s 18 year anniversary. Eighteen years ago today, we agreed to date. We celebrate this day with more sentiment than our wedding anniversary.

In our eighteen years, we have rarely taken vacations, in the typical sense. When we have taken time off of work, it has always been to see family – either in NM when we lived in the Northwest, or to Houston to see the Foxleys. If I weren’t spending that time traveling to see family, it was a “Staycation”. I can literally count the trips excluding familial visits on two fingers: camping in Durango in 1995 and London in 2000.

So this trip was special for us. It was special not just for our first one in 11 years, but that we had 2 new attendees in Gavin and Elyce. I have been planning this for over 3 years – not that it was elaborate, but simply each of the first two years, I had to cancel at the last minute due to work issues. I HAD TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN this year. It was becoming an integrity thing to me – for the kids. I don’t want to be a dad that the kids can’t trust my commitment. When I say we are going to do something, I want them to believe and trust that it will happen. I guess I’ve grown to appreciate integrity and this was part of that.

So I sit here at the St Louis airport waiting to connect to Nashville for work. I literally unpacked shorts and camera chargers last night – only to turn right around and re-pack a case with suites and computer power-cords for my trip this week (and next). I wouldn’t be surprised if when I unpack tonight that I find some sand or a random souvenir in my case. Hell, maybe I’ll find one of those chicken nuggets.

I think Tina and I agree that we need to reduce the frequency between these vacations – if not for the sake of our sanity, for the kids’ memories. We chatted last night about the most memorable moments in the trip, and we agreed that it was the afternoon we arrived in Santa Monica.

The kids were so elated to see the ocean, jump in the water, search for shells, and simply drink the ocean air. And, oddly, this was the least expensive afternoon of the entire trip. Kids, I’m finding, aren’t impressed by the price tags of experiences. They really just want to have fun. They really just want to be with Mom and Dad. And when I look back at the trips that meant the most to me when I was growing up, the ones I remember the most were the ones and moments with family.

Somehow, I forgot that. I think that’s the most powerful take-away for me … these experiences carry limited cost and are priceless in the end.

Posted: March 19th, 2010
Categories: holidays, kids, travel
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