News for January 2011
The Never-Ending Stairs
Lazer LULZ
Acne’s Twisted Sense of Humor
What is Internet?
I’m going for it …
So I canceled my cell phone plan today. I’m going completely Google Voice effective February 2 (day my cell contract ends – end of billing cycle). It’s a pretty slick program that really has some amazing tools.
In 2001, Tina and I went through similar tech jump by eliminating our LAN lines altogether, going completely cell. I remember many people thought we were crazy. I guess this is Crazy, part II.
For now, I’m still searching for number on Google that I like and will be porting everything to it. Should you be in my contacts, I will let you know my new phone/text number soon enough.
Wish me luck!
Isaac Asimov on The Internet in 1988
Paranoia at Target
The Google/Apple War Heats Up
So now Google is boldly proclaiming that they are supporting Flash in this move, which directly sticks it to the HTML5 standard Jobs is trying to push on iOS products.
Worst Choir Ever
Can’t Go Straight
You’re Doing it Wrong
MMMM. Donut.
New Years Day, 2011. Gavin’s first breakfast of the year = Donut. Eaten in his unique way of “Toppings Only”. Nice.