Happy Halloween

As a dad, I’m starting to get a little sad now on Halloween. It is because I know that my kids’ days of Trick-or-Treating is nearing an end. Still have a few more years left with Gavin, but Elyce is already getting too cool for it. This is really my favorite time of the year, so it’s getting me a little sad as I think about it.

As a kid, I loved Halloween: The candy, the dressing up, the going out in the neighborhood for the night and seeing friends. When I got older, I got up to no good: stupid stuff as I reflect, but it was fun at the time (shaving cream fights, parties, etc). In college, it was a reason to drink and act like a dick (sorry for the vulgarity, but that truly is what we acted like with too much beer in our tummies).

And then, kids.

It has been kind of like starting the cycle again — I’m more a part of it than I thought parents would be. I mean, I loved watching them get into it and helping them get dressed, carving the pumpkin, and sharing the excitement of getting as much candy as possible. But I feel like that window is closing and I am becoming more reflective as I age, wondering what it will be like when they are ‘too cool’ for Halloween.

Ah – I need to stop that train of thought. Carpe Diem! Have a great Halloween if you’ve bothered to read this far. Here’s a great GIF to give you a laugh (it’s a midget in the GIF, by the way) …


Posted: October 31st, 2014
Categories: holidays, humor, kids
Comments: No Comments.

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