Birds (not real) and Snake Venom in the Water (COVID)

Ugh … lunacy keeps going.

This is the latest loon video/conspiracy ‘theory’ regarding COVID (which is pretty much no longer an every day topic). Snake Venom in the public water system. A few bullet-points to keep in mind on this one:

  • He’s a Chiropractor
  • COVID is a virus, not a venom
  • “Do the opposite of what the CDC tells you to do” speaks for itself
  • Typos in text overlays (“thier” vs “their”) – small detail, but detail
  • “Scientific Points” in the video from a TV Show

Oh – and Birds (not real) … check this out.

Posted: April 24th, 2022
Categories: Coronavirus Plague of 2020, politics, science
Comments: No Comments.

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