
Traveling this week, was bored, tuned in to the CNN/Trump ‘Town Hall’.

What. A. Freakin’. Train. Wreck. I turned it off after about 10 minutes of hearing him spew his same old lies about ‘stolen election’ and his just overall bullshit – including his degradation of women and pitch on January 6 being a ‘beautiful day’.

Are you kidding me?

Granted, the interviewer wasn’t any less-partisan or professional.

I just can’t believe we STILL have to give air-time to this Bozo. Not about policies to me with him – he’s just a terrible person. I don’t care what party or ideology you follow – this guy is just a Vile Human.

Great Leaders are not Vile Humans.

Posted: May 11th, 2023
Categories: politics, tv
Comments: No Comments.

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